
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So my beloveds. Is there are a god to whom you worship? Of mortal or immortal sense? This is so, this is human conditioning. But now ask yourself, Is there a goddess to whom you worship, of mortal or immortal sense?

You may well reply, There is a god, his is around me, he is in me.

And so where is the goddess? Are you surely not your own goddess to whom you worship, being around you and in you?

For your goddess side is who you are. It is the strength of your woman's wisdom and it is the strength to invite your god side for times of balance. That is, in your day you balance your goddess and god sides. There is a constant interplay to create balance in observations and emotions. However, if you are unaware of the perfection of your goddess side, or indeed even unaware of having your goddess around you and in you, then how unbalanced must you be if you focus on only the god energy?

So this day, connect with your goddess - your beauty, your intuition, your wisdom. Feel the balance of interplay as you move gently, henceforth, from being all god to the softness of goddess. Enjoy the softening of your emotions, the success of your intuitive decisions, the embracing of love on a feminine basis.

You are goddess. Use this with great clarity and enjoy the attraction of the god energy that will
attractively surround you.

With love, Goddess Athena

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