
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wednesday 7July 2010

It is about, this day, temperance.  Temperance is the module by which you anticipate all that you have wanted.  In all that you do, you still yearn for more.  But it is the point of acknowledging that which you all ready have.  If you choose to ignore that which you already have desired and culminatively achieved, then how can you expect to  achieve more desirable outcomes.  

So it is with temperance that you must now stand back and calmly become aware of that which you have achieved.  This may be from simply achieving a domestic task, successfully, to enable you to move onto the next scheduled task.  Or it may be complex in outcome such as the wealth abundance to purchase a desired property.  You have reached the property and are grateful, for a moment in time, as you immediately want to change, adjust, accommodate  for even more.

So stop and acknowledge the outcomes of your desire, be it of lesser or greater complexity and feel abundantly grateful for those outcomes.  The feeling of peace coursing through you, will create temperance in your energy and you will now become attuned to attracting the next desired outcome.

Temperance is calmness of temperament.  Calmness of temperament is gratitude for all that you are.  Gratitidue is simply recognised by further abundance - if that is your desire.

Temper yourself, calm yourself, love yourself - as I love you,  Athena

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