
Saturday, July 17, 2010


Dear kindred woman,

So this day is a day upon what you reflect is your imprisonment in life.   Be it circumstantial, that is, the manifestation of that which you have endured and efforted for, has now enveloped you as a prison.  This may be to you as a mother - where you have efforted and desired to be a mother but now this mothering imprisons you with all the sacrifices and entrapments of motherhoold as you watch that which you used to involve yourself in, slowly fade.

Imprisonment be it circumstantial is also atmospheric.  Where you have become entrapped in a relationship with a dwelling, with a mate, with a career objective, with an illness and you now find no way out.  Rest assured there is always a way out.  However the way out will be less objectively obvious than of which you are aware.  

So know that this imprisonment does meet opportunity for you.   And this oppportuniy is a void of growth for you.  Because, without the imprisonment, you would not be challenged and you would not grow.  I acknowledge, with sadness, that with gowth, the precurssor in your humanness is heartache.  However, you are woman and heartache is a calling for your goddess warrior to step forth and take control of the pathway that is your destiny to grow through the imprisonment.

Wrap yourself in this imprisonment to the deepest core and find through the mire, that who you are.  See this wonderous mortal woman and fall into love with her, with you, as have I with you.  I  am your love.  I am Athena.

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