
Monday, December 13, 2010


Dear Friend, this grief will overwhelm you if you connect with it in this way.  For the grief is the loss you feel of expectations you had planned.  You feel cheated from the happy course you were on and you now feel angry, depleted, fearful because the happiness has disappeared from all you do.  And no longer can you associate with the former happier times.
Knowing now, that grief is to cause you  ponderance of where to from here.  Where to, to discover new posssibilities.  New possibilities that from which you would have been denied if you had clung to the grief.  New possibilities that would have remained unknown had not the grief occurred.
So know that there is possibility of growth for you as you step aside from the grief.  Your body will do all it can to cling to the cloak of grief but your spirit will arise and encourage you to step aside and lift your hope.
Women have arisen from grief to become all woman and all encompassing of the wide magnitude of life’s possibilities.  Go forth.  Love the grief, hold it dear, but step into possibilities.  These are here for you, there is a way forward for you.  I will guide you.  I shall be watching.  With love, Athena


Dear Woman, although adornment is often scoffed in your realm, be aware with your wisdom, that adornment is also cloaking yourself in armour.   The armour is the equipment with which you step forth into your role.  As you adorn yourself in the attire, energetically you embrace the role you have chosen to perform.  And with this cloak of adornment, those around you are able to interpret your intent.
So it is important that you give grave consideration to your adornment for the role you are to perform.  It is equally important that care is taken to interpret the attire for your body and visage.  When care is taken,  positive intention is in place.  To embellish yourself with “just anything” implies you expect results of “just anything”.   However, when one observes a goddess in carefully adorned attire, one is equally aware of the serious intention and successful outcome of the goddess’s work.
So each and every moment, adorn yourself.  As you adorn your body so too are you adorning the outcome you desire from your day’s intention.
Have confidence and stand in your grace as you approach the daily adornment.    As do I cloak myself with garb fitting to inspire women to find their goddess side.      With love,  Athena.


This writing of wisdom is to relay to you my delight in observing your recognition at your own graceful growth.
For surely it has to be acknowledged that to have growth you must have endured.  And to endure is to become aware of pain.  For, from the pain and when in the pain, you observe an unattractive state and hence make an effort to move away from the pain.  In doing so you observe judgements you have placed around your realm – on a situation, on others.  You find the judgements weakening in your resolve and hence you become one with the realm or with the others.
You find yourself now at peace and free of negative feelings or fears.  You step forward, grateful to be free of the pain.  You now have the awareness of freedom.  Freedom that comes with growth.  I observe your delight in watching yourself recognise the climb up from pure pain to glorious growth.
I honour your fortitude and commitment to a more graceful way of living.
With love Athena.


How does one see the wisdom in indecision?  To be indecisive around an issue is an exhibition that you are deliberating to either move forward or stay in the same place.
Naturally it is safe to stay in the same place for to move forward may entail an unfamiliar journey.  And an unfamiliar journey may be fraught with uncertainty, so you believe.  However, if you choose to move forward, you will grow and it is surely your intent to grow and embrace more.
So when your mind is impaled by indecision, know that you can move with the new.   Your growth is tantamount to your body and as you grow you will incur less indecision.  You will decide with increased intuition and positiveness, hence eliminating the agony of indecision.
So upon the next indecision, face the new and feel what needs to be decided.


The diet of one who is awakening and growing requires food that, in itself, grows freshly.  As, through digesting food that in itself grows, so does your body respond with fresh growth and you will feel satiated.  This in itself, is a wise dietary tool.
Foods that are compiled of modern technology, only stimulate the appetite for more.  Compiled foods are only a temporary solve for your appetite.  Fresh foods excite and stimulate your body.  Take it upon yourself to recognise your body’s response from ingesting fresh food compared to a compiled food.
Freshness in one’s sustenance, be it vegetable or animal, also requires you to prepare  food with focus and knowledge that you are about to sustain your own body.  This is an act of respect to your body that carries you through your life of growth.
So as you prepare your dietary intake, do so with care.  Consequently, with the meal you ingest your body will respond with vigour and health.
Wisdom from Athena


How to know when you are  in love?  This is a ponderous question exhausted by your modern  analytical mind.
It is about feeling the love.  If you complicate the feeling by over-thinking then how can you feel?   For love is a pure vibration that is to be felt.  It complicates a  natural feeling by the unnatural thinking of,  “do I love, is this love”.
This complication shows that the human nature is out of balance.  That there is too much thinking in your day.  So it is an easy solution to each day, stop and feel a decision.  Your thinking mind will challenge you, naturally, but it is now a matter of training your feelings to be allowed to come to the fore.  As you start to feel more, so shall more chemicals of a healthy nature be released in your body.  Hence creating well being.
Feel the love, be the love, honour the love.  Become the bloom of when love is felt.
With love, Athena


This day is about the soul of you.  Soul, in that today of all days you do what you feel needs to be given to your soul.
You will have commenced with a quota of expectations to be met.  However, as you face the quota, your body rejects the anticipated work and instead you feel  weariness.
So, trust that the weariness is a gentle cloak, wrapping itself around you.  And what do you anticipate doing with the  weariness?  Your human-ness would be to surge forward to complete the quota.  But your soul asks for you to just be.  So as you surrender you will be delighted to discover what you do, in actuality, achieve.  The achievements will be different to your quota.   But it will be fulfilling, restful and restorative to you.  And upon your next awakening you will have renewed energy and focus.  Delight will be recognised as you meet  the quota from the yesterday.
Experience this joy of your soul’s wisdom.  Athena


So as you strive to achieve your well-found intentions, balance becomes precarious as with singular focus you place all energies to your own achievement.  Your god energy becomes dominant. 'To create balance between your god and goddess energy, turn a moment of your consciousness to the intentions of another, to another's striving.
Can you assist?  Have you been asked to assist?  Possibly yes, because as you exert the energies of enthusiasm you will attract to you another who is drawn to your positive vibrations.  This other will want to draw on your enthusiasm.
So give.  And as you give, be it momentarily diverting your energies , so shall you be given to.  And so shall the path be opened further for your own intentions to be met.  Giving,  for a moment in time, will bring your godddess energy into balance with your god energy.  Balance is created.  Peace is within.
Give and so shall you be given to.  These are my wisdoms to you.  Athena.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


How can you suggest that it is the actions of another that have caused you to be intolerant?  Who are you to suggest that another can create intolerance in you?  This is surely prideful behaviour and you are deemed to magnify your own glory if you believe and absorb such self pity.  The time is now for you to stand aside from your glorified intolerance or self pity, suggesting that another has made you intolerant.
You will observe in your objectiveness that the intolerance is only conjugated by yourself.  It is your own levels of emotions that you are exhausting.  And you feel fragile.  This is unpleasant and hence, in your humanness you blame another.   Whereas you now observe it is your own exhausted efforting that has made you feel intolerable of yourself.
This is so.  So easily can you become aware, alter and be free of the intolerance. by ceasing the effort.  Recognise when you are intolerant that you are in fact intolerant of your own behaviour.  Be it your boundaries, your values, your energies that you are exhausting.
Yes, you will smile and you will feel humour at how you have accused another of causing you to be intolerant.  Laugh and love this wonderful understanding you have gained of yourself.  I honour your wisdom.  With love, Athena


To trust my words indicates to all that you are entrusting  wisdom.   You are now trusting wisdom to guide you through fraught behaviours and reactions.  For trust is courage, courage is fortitude and fortitude is intention to grow up and beyond that where you have been planted on earth.
Wisdoms that create rejection in you, is your outer self, your non-wisdom self, your environmentally- controlled self refuting that which you are hearing.  You deny, criticise and refute the wisdoms indicating to all that you are choosing to stay at the level in which you were planted on earth.  You react with denial and criticism, refuting that which you have read because to embrace the wisdoms would require trust, courage and fortitude.  These strengths require energy.  But you feel replete of energy and strength.   But as you react negatively to that which you read, you create negative energy and negative strength.
View all you read, hear and see with interest, integrity and intent.  For with intention, you grow.
This wisdom is wisdom in itself.  Athena.


Time is not a an asset to be measured by counting minutes.  Indeed, time is a commodity of one who trusts there will always be an opportunity to achieve that which is intended to be achieved for that moment in time.
For it is your nature to commit yourself to the knowledge that there is "no time".  But indeed, that is just your expectation that you must achieve many things that you consider desirable to be achieved.  However,  it is one thing to have clear intentions and another to cram intentions.  You can observe that it is desirable to achieve one or many things and then with trust observe which or how many of these intentions are accomplished.  And as you take away the effort to achieve all intentions, you will observe that what does actually occur, is all that is needed to be achieved in the first instance.
So quantify time as a fact that you have considered it is time to trust that an intention will be achieved.  And to trust that if your intention is not achieved, then  has its non achievement been detrimental to your growth here or in the future?  Observe this.   Understand this and note all the time you will now have and all the intentions that will be achieved.  A grand secret to free you of the greatest demands of your humankind.


At the conclusion of a meal, which is in within minutes because you have ingested avariciously, you will be left pondering what the food tasted like, what the food felt like.  Indeed, you will feel you require further sustenance.
If you likewise ingest wisdom with overt enthusiasm,  if you set strident intentions that you will forever remember and apply the wisdom, so too will you feel empty and confused in the wake of the wisdom.
Ingest the wisdom, as with the food, with careful ponderance.  Observe the corresponding reactions in your body as your mind, then your emotions absorb the new knowledge.  Wonder at how the wisdom settles gently within you.  Feel the small smile of awakening settle upon your lips.  Note the straightening of your shoulders and the delight of your next forward step.
In other words, be graceful and patient with all you ingest.  In this way so shall your digestion be full and satiated.  The nourishment will flood your being easily.
With love, Athena


You have been confronted by another.  It is your humanness that now steps in with rhetoric, exhaustive communication, the bitterness  of combat, which all fuels the confrontation.   You believe this is strength and courage for you to combat so effectively.  But now observe that the confrontation is opportunity for you to resist combat, and instead for you to use strength and courage to face yourself.  With strength and courage face yourself and recognise the other's behaviours in yourself.  Take strength and courage at this point for immediately you will refute all blame or involvement.  Instead, your humanness will collaborate with injustice, cruelty.  Gently open to seeing beyond the confrontation, lay down the weapons and attain peace by facing  with strength and courage your own part in the confrontation, knowing, by the discretion of energy flow, for you to be receiving this behaviour you have given it out at some stage.  Be grand, be bigger than rhetoric and bitternesss.
You have evolved to a fine negotiator.  You have empowered yourself and kept grounded instead of taking flight.    Athena

Sunday, August 1, 2010


My words of wisdom, friend, are the beginnings of your new thought processes.   For as I speak, so Julie types and through this pure energy I can relay the ponderous, weighing oppressions that weigh womanhood in this day.  Such is my sorrow to observe your beauty so weighted.  However, through your connection with these words of wisdom you will minutely discover a fissure of awakening.  

Persis, persist with full intention.  Negotiate with yourself that healing is good , that healing is fee and that it is a gift for you.  Awareness of your weighted behaviours that create negative energies can be changed.

Congratulations are bestowed from me to you and as I trust Julie to perform this task, so does she trust me.  Consequently you can trust these writings will inspire a glimmer until a full bloom of light and peace is attained for you.  This is your time so persist and negotiate to bring yourself onto your future course.

I will write again these words of encouragement for you, as change requires encouragement to persist.

With love, Athena.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Elated Exhaustion

Such is my pain that when you, dear woman, have achieved satisfaction, so then does your body expire.  Your body collapses in exhaustion just at a time when that for which you have desired is achieved.  Yet you are left deflated.  This is confusing, as at this moment of achievement you want to feel elation, yet you feel exhaustion.

Why is this so?  It is the nature of the effort you have expended, as woman, relentlessly urging those who are dear to you, to achieve their greatest potential.  

What, however, is your greatest potential?  If you maintain balance, that is, eagrely working and seeking your greatest potential at the same time as supporting those who you hold most dear to reach their greatest potential, you would have achieved balance.  The balance would have eliminiated complete collapse as you would have kept your desires for the other in balance with desires for yourself.  This is not selfishness, this is balance.  And by maintaining balance you will avoid the disposition of controlling the outcome for your loved one.  For you have attempted to control and create their greatest potential.  Who are you to do this?  It is their path.  Your role is to honour their path, however, and maintain balance for yourself.

This way, now, your body would be less harangued and you would feel elation at the loved one's achievement.  A desirable and worthy emotion to feel.  And surely more attractive than exhaustion.  Rest assured your efforting of concern and eagreness did not hasten their journey.  Absorb this fact and you will find with delight, your future behaviours are more moderate. 

I believe this is the instance for you, and this will be growth acccepted by you.  With love, Athena.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Dear blossoming friend, as you experience an emotion or expression of joy this day, rejoice!  Rejoice, for now you are moving through that which has encumbered you and you are choosing the path of healing.  You are choosing, this day, to see joy in all that occurs in your day.  An event that conjures negativity, you are now finding joy at, simply having the awareness of the negative vibration that the event has thrust out.  The event which induces negativity is an experience for you to smile and feel joy that healing is about to take place.

This is your strength, you are a woman and you can vibrate healing to events that have constructed negative vibrations.  Your joy is of a higher vibration and is a vibration that corresponds with positive outcomes.  Congratulate your intuition at recognising the response to find joy, to place a smile of joy upon yourself.  A smile that says and reflects your pureness of heart.  Forward that smile to those exhibiting negative vibrations and with joy you will watch their negativity dissipate.

Congratulations.  Congratulate yourself.  You are a woman, you are a healer, you feel joy in all that is.

I am with you.  May joy progress.  Athena.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This day, this tightness in your body is unreleased tightness of life.  That is, you are holding on to those things that create concern for you.  However, those things can only be of concern, if you are untrusting of the outcome.  If you trust that all is as it should be, then there is no concern.  Instead, you will manifest trust in place of the tightness.  Free of tightness, your body will function purely.  Toxins will be released, energy will be saved towards those things that manifest delight in your day.

Concern capitulated into worry directly destroys the beautiful trusting vibration that is you, woman.  So in preference to this concern and worry that creates tightness and blockages in your body, turn your face, your heart to preferred outcomes of joy and fulfillment.  Your loved ones about whom you feel the worry, will receive your energised vibrations and will be replenished.  Such is the role of you as woman, for how you feel about those for whom you feel, will be energetically, vibrationally attuned to them.

So it is desirable to loosen the worry, and your body's tightness, aches, blockages will dissipate.  This is desirable, this is so.  With love, Athena.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Dear kindred woman,

So this day is a day upon what you reflect is your imprisonment in life.   Be it circumstantial, that is, the manifestation of that which you have endured and efforted for, has now enveloped you as a prison.  This may be to you as a mother - where you have efforted and desired to be a mother but now this mothering imprisons you with all the sacrifices and entrapments of motherhoold as you watch that which you used to involve yourself in, slowly fade.

Imprisonment be it circumstantial is also atmospheric.  Where you have become entrapped in a relationship with a dwelling, with a mate, with a career objective, with an illness and you now find no way out.  Rest assured there is always a way out.  However the way out will be less objectively obvious than of which you are aware.  

So know that this imprisonment does meet opportunity for you.   And this oppportuniy is a void of growth for you.  Because, without the imprisonment, you would not be challenged and you would not grow.  I acknowledge, with sadness, that with gowth, the precurssor in your humanness is heartache.  However, you are woman and heartache is a calling for your goddess warrior to step forth and take control of the pathway that is your destiny to grow through the imprisonment.

Wrap yourself in this imprisonment to the deepest core and find through the mire, that who you are.  See this wonderous mortal woman and fall into love with her, with you, as have I with you.  I  am your love.  I am Athena.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010









Monday, July 12, 2010


Hello Beloveds, only you can betray yourself.  How?  This is done by over compromising that which is of importance to you.  You set a standard or desire and your intention is to uphold that standard or desire.  However, the softness in you soon deviates (or betrays) your initial intention or desire.  Because along the path comes another to whom you feel allegiance, or to whom you feel a responsibility.

Cursorily, your standard or desire is quietly pushed aside - your intentions are compromised, although  you tell yourself you are still in progress towards the goal.  

However, you effort to meet the other's needs ahead of your own.  Eventually, the other requires even more of your time, energy, focus.  They become more demanding and eventually you tire of this.  The relationship breaks down and there is hurt or bitterness.  You feel betrayed because of all you've done for that person.

However, if you had remained true to your original standard or desire you would still have met the needs of another but most importantly your standards or intentions would have remained uncompromised.   The other would have accepted the boundaries instinctively.  You would have progressed fully towards your intentions.  The other would have gained from your energies and an easy relationship of respect would have ensued.

Only you can betray yourself.   Betraying yourself occurs when  your emotions of needing to give energy to another overwhelms your standards of intentions for your self.  Unbalance is created.  So, know, that there is always time to devote to others, but hold your standards of intentions and desires and expectations first and foremost.  You will remain free of betrayal.  This is important.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My joy is your joy.  The joy of womanhood is energetically received by all women who open to receiving the universal energy.  To receive this feeling of heightened welbeing, ensure you are daily opened to receive the warmth of vibrations.   As women instinctively are attune to another woman's pregnant state, emotional state, so too are women attune to receiving another woman's vibrations of celebration and joy.

It is naturally desirable, to receive a daily dose of someone else's celebration and joy as this energy will intrinsically uplift you.  You may recall feeling a surprise at a burst of energy or positive spontaneity during a day - this is when you have opened and connected with those vibrations around you.  Surely this is a good thing!  Surely this is attractive and will warmly dispose you to receiving these good vibrations.  Surely this is more desirable than remaining closed to such energy.  

Surely this is more desirable to ask to receive the good vibrations than vibrations of avarice, greed, negativity - for surely you too would pick up on those negative energies.

So, to open yourself is to ask for and trust in 100% pure energy, as does Julie when I am guided through her.  So too, can you open and ask to trust in the 100% pure energy.  Then watch for the vestiges of good feelings flow spontaneously into you.

This is fun.  This is free.  This is for all women.  You are woman, capitalise on that.  

With love, Athena, your Goddess.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wednesday 7July 2010

It is about, this day, temperance.  Temperance is the module by which you anticipate all that you have wanted.  In all that you do, you still yearn for more.  But it is the point of acknowledging that which you all ready have.  If you choose to ignore that which you already have desired and culminatively achieved, then how can you expect to  achieve more desirable outcomes.  

So it is with temperance that you must now stand back and calmly become aware of that which you have achieved.  This may be from simply achieving a domestic task, successfully, to enable you to move onto the next scheduled task.  Or it may be complex in outcome such as the wealth abundance to purchase a desired property.  You have reached the property and are grateful, for a moment in time, as you immediately want to change, adjust, accommodate  for even more.

So stop and acknowledge the outcomes of your desire, be it of lesser or greater complexity and feel abundantly grateful for those outcomes.  The feeling of peace coursing through you, will create temperance in your energy and you will now become attuned to attracting the next desired outcome.

Temperance is calmness of temperament.  Calmness of temperament is gratitude for all that you are.  Gratitidue is simply recognised by further abundance - if that is your desire.

Temper yourself, calm yourself, love yourself - as I love you,  Athena

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday 3 July 2010

So know my friend, that you are connecting with the desires that your body needs to maintain balance.  Upon reflection you note that past behaviours and emotions have been exaggerated because there was no balance to create peace in your routine.  However, you are now gratefully aware that it is simply to put time aside regularly to restore the fountain of wisdom and intuition that is the makeup of woman.  Although you feel weary at the prospect of more organisation to achieve balance, just trust, knowing that there is no need for organisation.  There is only need for intent to gain relaxation.  And because this intent is heartfelt and soulfully required, so be it - it will arise.

And now you feel delighted that such a simple repasse fills you with renewed self believe in yourself and in your relationships.  Acknowledge also that the more you step into the balance of peace versus work, the more fully maintained will be all that you do.

I congratulate you for negotiating with your soul and not entering into war with your self.  For the trait of myself that is exonnerated in all women, is the ability to negotiate to reach solutions peacefully.  With, at all costs, avoiding battle.  I honour the seemingly small steps you have made this day, but are giant strides to assist you in retaining the balance of your goddess energy.

Have belief, have conviction and welcome trust.   Your guide and goddess, Athena.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Dear Beloveds, so you are now recognising the need to alter that with which you fill your days.  Until now, it has met all your needs but now you are questing for change.  You are questing to allow the responsibility to pass on to those whom are destined for the role inevitably.  However, you, through your caring, through your organisational abilities, through your determination and creativity, have delayed the inevitable until you deemed they were fit.  Rest assured my beloved, they are fit and ready, not by your deeming, but by their own destiny.

And so as you have exhausted and efforted to pave the way for their success, so have you exhausted your own intentions.  Your pathway has been deviated and altered.  However, you now clearly recognise that this is your time to step off the bridge over which you have viewed all the progress of those around you.  Now you directly meet the demands of your own life.  You unfailingly now devote love and support to your personal growth, for this is truly your time.  

I honour the courage for you to recognise that this is the time.   This courage is courage borne by your desire to connect with your woman's wisdom.  You have now found the power and beauty of your inner wisdom, a glorious font of abundant creativity and foresight.

I shall laud and honour your evolvement.     Athena

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sunday 27 June 2010
So as we join this day, to commune together, this day of rest, so we join as one, as one human. We reconnoitre with loved ones, or associates in a cursory form. So is this a day for you to commune with the woman you are. This is your day where you can receive love in return for the love you have given out so assiduously during your working week.

This is a day for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour and rest in the comfort of all that you have created. And if you feel lonely this day, if you recognise fear that this day will endure with length, sadness, loneliness and boredom, so this is a time for you to retrain the activities with which you fill your working week.

If this day is lonely, so now do you need to embrace fresh opportunities during your working week. These fresh opportunities will bring pleasure to your next day of rest, with mortal company, or indeed will give you the satisfaction of memories to recount during this day of rest, as you look forward to the next working week and the fresh opportunity. And so the cycle will flow.

For loneliness is your body's way of reclaiming your attention that energy has been stifled and that you are blocking the desirabilitty of fresh vibrations to course through your body. So loneliness sits, increasingly monotonous, deep in your gut.

So now catapult yourself this day and surge towards a fresh opportunity, creating fresh energy, fresh waves of live. Renewed vigour and vitality. This will bring an attractiveness to your vibration that will in turn continue to attract fresher opportunities. And so the cycle will flow. This is important for this is the way of your growth out of complacency to open expansiveness.

Go forth my beloved, Athena.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So my beloveds. Is there are a god to whom you worship? Of mortal or immortal sense? This is so, this is human conditioning. But now ask yourself, Is there a goddess to whom you worship, of mortal or immortal sense?

You may well reply, There is a god, his is around me, he is in me.

And so where is the goddess? Are you surely not your own goddess to whom you worship, being around you and in you?

For your goddess side is who you are. It is the strength of your woman's wisdom and it is the strength to invite your god side for times of balance. That is, in your day you balance your goddess and god sides. There is a constant interplay to create balance in observations and emotions. However, if you are unaware of the perfection of your goddess side, or indeed even unaware of having your goddess around you and in you, then how unbalanced must you be if you focus on only the god energy?

So this day, connect with your goddess - your beauty, your intuition, your wisdom. Feel the balance of interplay as you move gently, henceforth, from being all god to the softness of goddess. Enjoy the softening of your emotions, the success of your intuitive decisions, the embracing of love on a feminine basis.

You are goddess. Use this with great clarity and enjoy the attraction of the god energy that will
attractively surround you.

With love, Goddess Athena

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So today we write again and speak of the unease of universal uncertainty. Uncertainty because women are looking for more. And as you look for more so that which you fill your days with, your occupation, becomes of questionable worth to you. Is this what you really want? Is this who you really are? Or is it some slight of fate that you find yourself counselling / selling / cooking? Take time and study the responses from your body as you move through that daily occupation. Yes, take time - quite a feat to just take TIME to listen to your body. What is happening in your body as you respond to a customer / to a child / to a partner? Does your body levitate or does your body deflate? If it deflates you will feel overwhelming tiredness, despondency.

So look at these negative emotions, emotions that make you feel sad. Ask yourself for what purpose you are doing the task. For self gratification? To make yourself feel important? For financial reward? For an opportunity to be busy?

Do you respond yes? If so, look at the effort you place around those questions. Ask yourself, do I receive joy from my occupation or do I receive satisfaction that I have been needed? If the latter, that you received satisfaction from being needed, then that is singularly destructive to you as a burgeoning woman.

You may well maintain the occupation, but do so without attachment of feeling that you have been needed. Instead, feel personal joy at your ability, at your glow of satisfaction. With any occupation, serve yourself first and foremost. If not, the occupation will take energy from you and so you become immersed in overwhelmment and negative emotions.

Any occupation can be achieved if you intend to complete the process for your personal joy. This is important as this will enable you to grow in all you do. Some occupations are not your ultimate choice but they are the destiny, that is, they are part of what you must work at and endure to proceed fully on your journey - trust in this process.

Remain in joy, observe the feeling of joy in your body, the glow of satisfaction that it brings.

Go well, take time. With love, Athena.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tuesday 22 June 2010

So my beloveds, this day I speak of the pain of hostility in the relationships you hold most dear and the angry passion with which you react creating tornadoes of despair and pushing away that which you yearn for most - to love and be loved. Your humanness has expectations for perfectionism. And as you yearn for this so called perfectionism, you strive valiantly and consequently push aside all the fun and spontaneity you acummulatively desire.

So why self persecute that which you yearn for most - to love and be loved.? Recognise the efforting required for all to be swimmingly well. See that desire for what it is, which is materialism and perfectionism. Drop away these ardent foolishnesses and look deeper, look behind the petty frustration. Drop your head, drop into what is of real value. Feel the love flood back in. Drop your ego and pride, see them as the single barriers preventing you to be bountiful daily in love.

You are alive and seeking abundance, so move towards that. Drop away the human expectations of always wanting more.

If that is what you desire, greater abundance of wealth, health, love, then move forward with love, dropping away the angry barriers of pettiness. Then so shall you receive that abundance. Be aware, that to move forward with trust is love and of love there is limitless abundance - so shall the circle continue, like a whirlwind bringing it all to you. For it has never gone away, it is you who has forgotten how to see it.

Goddess Athena, with love and admiration